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"Comprar en grupo es más barato y...divertido"

Friday, April 27, 2007

entrevista de Tuangou España con BBC - London

13 abril 2007


Crowd Clout - consumers clubbing together online to negotiate discounts. It started in China as shoppers there formed online groups to negotiate better prices on their purchases. Dubbed the tuangou phenomenon - the term means team purchase - it is now spreading beyond’s China borders, Spain being the latest country to set up its own version.Crowd Clout - consumers clubbing together online to negotiate discounts. It started in China as shoppers there formed online groups to negotiate better prices on their purchases. Dubbed the tuangou phenomenon - the term means team purchase - it is now spreading beyond’s China borders, Spain being the latest country to set up its own version.Crowd Clout - consumers clubbing together online to negotiate discounts. It started in China as shoppers there formed online groups to negotiate better prices on their purchases. Dubbed the tuangou phenomenon - the term means team purchase - it is now spreading beyond’s China borders, Spain being the latest country to set up its own version.Crowd Clout - consumers clubbing together online to negotiate discounts. It started in China as shoppers there formed online groups to negotiate better prices on their purchases. Dubbed the tuangou phenomenon - the term means team purchase - it is now spreading beyond’s China borders, Spain being the latest country to set up its own version.


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